B.C. Liberal Jane Thornthwaite - North Vancouver-Seymour MLA
Doesn't it just do us proud as citizens of BC and Canadians?
We really have learned from your own drunk driving episode (the one we know about) Mr. Campbell. What a load of B.S. Of Course "the Right Honourable" Gordon (I've only had a few martoonis, occifer) Campbell is front and centre. Golly gee, cut the l'il lady some slack. We can all grow from our mistakes. Excuse me while I retch.
Clearly, since the plague of BC Liberal politicians who've been in office operate on a different moral comp@$$ than the rest of us who don't want our KIDS to grow up thinking that it is normal for people to drink & drive (or our politicians) then it's time for some new laws in BC.
1. If you are a sitting MLA and you are charged with a Criminal Code violation, you will have been deemed to be suspended from caucus and the Legislature.
2. If you are a sitting MLA and you are convicted of a Criminal Code violation you shall automatically resign as a member of the Legislature and a by-election must be held as soon as practicable in your riding.
You will not be eligible for the usual perks for MLA's. No education/re-training funding, no gentle glide back into private life. Hell NO! When any of us get busted for something illegal, we are FIRED! Or quit.
We shouldn't have to explain this, but apparently we do. When you breach your Oath, when you lose your personal and political integrity and sustain criminal conviction while in political office, you no longer have the right, nor should have the benefits of represent the people of BC. Or the government. You have failed your constituents, you have brought dishonour to your party and government and beyond.
One last thought, or question, who is paying Ms. Thornthwaite's legal bills?
MLA reveals she is facing drunk driving charges
B.C. MLA rebuffs calls to step down
CBC News.
B.C. Liberal Jane Thornthwaite has no plans to step down while she faces impaired driving charges and Premier Gordon Campbell agrees that the North Vancouver-Seymour MLA should stay on the job.
A government spokesman said she allegedly recorded a .11 blood-alcohol level in a breathalyzer test. The legal limit is .08.
Premier will not ask MLA to resign
Dan Burritt | Email news tips to Dan
Premier Gordon Campbell said Jane Thornthwaite will not be asked to resign as an MLA - nor should she. "No, she should not, I don't think," said Campbell.
Campbell said he would have hoped everyone would learn from his drunk driving arrest in Hawaii in 2003.
He said he told Thornthwaite she made a mistake and it is not something anyone would expect to happen.
"I understand how that stays with you for the rest of your life. It's something that she's going to have to live with, and she's going to have to earn the trust of her constituents as she goes ahead."
Campbell said the message remains, do not drink and drive.
For Immediate Release - Jan. 10, 2003
Office of the Premier
I have made a serious mistake, and I want to apologize to everyone including my family, my colleagues and the people of British Columbia.
Last night, I was returning home from dinner with friends, and the Maui police pulled me over. I was arrested and charged with driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. I do not intend to contest the charge.
I will make myself available to the media Sunday, Jan. 12, at 3 p.m. at a location to be determined.
Gordon Campbell
by Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun, Saturday, January 11, 2003
He has not taken the position, as some of his supporters hastened to do
Friday, that a person who stands accused should remain in office until
after their day in court.
On the contrary. He has argued repeatedly that, in the public interest,the presumption of innocence has to take second place to the need to protect the integrity of the office.
(Ed.: Once in power, that translates to: Rules & laws - bah, those are for other people, not me, or my friends.)
"I'm trying to be quite explicit about this," Mr. Campbell declared. "When the conflict commissioner decides there is enough to carry out an investigation, I think that everyone would be better served if they stepped aside during the investigation."
And if he were premier? "If I were being investigated, I think that [stepping aside] would be a reasonable position for me to take -- yes."
Drunk driving is a serious, dangerous, criminal offence. Drunk driving by a premier is arrogant disregard for the safety of others compounded with reckless disregard for one's own reputation and political career.
It puts a whole new colouration on those jokes about Mr. Campbell being a control freak and a micromanager, as one Liberal supporter observed Friday afternoon.

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