Thursday, January 24, 2013

BC Liberals break the education system & madly try to fix it before election

So, let's see if we have this right. The BC Liberals have now been in power for over a decade and they are NOW just "unveiling" a "plan" to "bring stability" to our education system? 

Would this be the same education system that the BC Liberals de-stabilized by gutting the funding for special needs teachers and assistants, by cramming more kids into classrooms, by cutting teachers and on and on?

Here at BC Liberals Suck we propose that the best plan for Grade 2 students have a chance in BC's education system is for a change of government on May 14th 2013.

The BC NDP and BCTF nail it too - the latter and their employers have been making process in negotiating a new agreement and were just about to bring these back to their members for voting. As Lambert says in the video below the Premier's "timing is bizarre and suspect."

B.C. unveils plan to bring stability to education system

Proposal includes 10-year teachers' contract with salaries indexed to other public sector unions

The B.C. government has officially outlined its proposals to bring long-term stability to the province's education system.

"The goal of a 10-year agreement is simple and ambitious — give Grade 2 students a chance to go their entire school career without a disruption," Premier Christy Clark said in a statement Thursday.

"Imagine the opportunities for students, parents and teachers in the classroom, knowing classrooms would always be open.

"We need to work closely with teachers on our shared goal of improving B.C.'s education system, and we're prepared to make some fundamental changes that put students first.
"This isn't about the adults — it's about what's best for students."

The moves comes on the heels of a bitter labour dispute with B.C. teachers.

The agreement would allow teachers to go on out on strike and index teachers' salaries to increases given to nurses, college faculty and other public-sector employees.

A proposed education policy council that would resolve issues such as professional development away from the bargaining table would include the government, school trustees and the teachers' union.

The contract would also provide $100 million for an education investment fund and allow teachers a say in how the money is used in classrooms.

Education Minister Don McRae, a teacher, says labour woes have caused instability for parents and students eight times since 1991.

The BCTF is expected to respond to the province's proposals at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

Government rolls out proposed ten year teaching contract
Sean Leslie, 1/24/2013 , VANCOUVER/CKNW (AM980)

Premier Christy Clark has laid out her proposal for a decade of labour peace in BC schools.

Clark's plan includes a new education policy council that gives the BC Teachers Federation more input; a more transparent bargaining process with early mediation; and a 100 million dollar priority education fund in the third year of the deal.

"To go directly into classrooms to benefit students in a very real way."

Perhaps most controversially, teachers' wages would be indexed to other major public sector unions.

"It means that all sides need to give something up, but think about what we're getting....ten years of labour stability for our kids."

The next step is to work directly with the union to explore the proposed framework, just as contract talks are set to resume in March.

The Premier and the Education Minister both say the BC Teachers Federation was consulted on the framework, but that goes against what the union president has said.

Before the framework was unveiled, BCTF President Susan Lambert says she was in the dark about what that plan, which directly affects her members contains.

When asked why, Premier Christy Clark says it's her job to be a leader.

"Setting a framework out there and offering it out for people's comments and discussion. And that's what leadership is about"

That said, Clark says she doesn't want to rush through a deal before the May election, adding she wants to sit down with teachers to make sure they can agree.

The government says it did take input from the union and other groups and the Premier welcomes more.

Thu, Jan 24 - Premier Christy Clark is offering to establish a 10 year contract with the B.C. Teachers Federation but the union is already rejecting the idea. Keith Baldrey reports. 

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