Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Al Franken takes on the right-wing media

Franken talks about his battle with Bill O'Reilly,
right-wing media bias and his new book, 'Lies
and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.'

During a recent panel discussion on media bias
at Book Expo America 2003, Al Franken called
Bill O'Reilly on his lies -- and O'Reilly didn't take
to it kindly. The heated exchange, which was
covered by C-SPAN's Book TV, became the
subject of media coverage around the nation.

BuzzFlash interviewed Franken about his first
round KO against O'Reilly -- and about the
larger issue of the media's right-wing bias,
which Franken covers in his new book,
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them:
A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right".
Building a Left Wing CNN: Canadian Paul Jay's
drive to create Independent World Television.
By Donald Gutstein, (June 13, 2005 ). TheTyee.ca

Independent World Television will go public on June 15.
The goal, as bold as it is big, is to create an alternative
news and current affairs network that is, as its name
implies, global in reach and free from corporate or
government pressures.

The network’s success depends on changing the
economics of media, with an audacious plan to raise
$25 million a year made up of $50 donations from
half a million people around the world. Money from
business, advertisers and government will be

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